There was raining at the outside. I ran quickly to my house. Noticed there was nobody in my house except Lulu, my puppy.
I took a hot bath. And take a rest after that.
I sat on my dad's couch and grabbed my ipod. Listen to Evanescence's which is my favorite band.
Suddenly I fell asleep.
There was dark at the outside. Me and Blake walked to a hotel after having a great dinner. We reached there and walked inside. I can see through the hotel window which I'm waiting for my friend,Blake to get a room for us. Well its just for one night. The hotel seem so dark,creepy and old. Not many people were there except me,Blake and two other peoples at the front table. But that's okay because me and Blake just wanted a room for make out.
There's a girl passing in front of me. She's young. She gives me a weird look and I'm starting to thinking that does she know me because i don't.
But then i feel someone touching my hand softly and its Blake. He's holding my hand and we were walking to our room.
When we reached to our room, he unlocked the door.
So you know what we do in that room bla bla bla and i still remember that I'm wearing a black lingerie.
After we done, i wear my dress on and so does Blake.
I look at Blake which he's still putting his clothes on and i took out a knife off my handbag.
And i stabbed him at the back. And he's DEAD!
I feel safe now cos Blake is dead and my fiancee,Jake never gonna find out that I'm cheating on him with Blake.
A few minutes later i saw Jake was standing at the door. He looks terrified. Really terrified.
He look at me.
He tried to run.
But i got his arm.
I pulled him close to me and whisper "I didn't killed Blake.There was a ghost in this room.The evil one.The ghost had killed him.You should be careful.It might looking for you."
I try to convince him that it wasn't me who killed Blake but actually i was.
after hearing all the words by me, he trusted me.
We walked out the hotel.
I awake when i heard thunder and it still raining in the outside . I smile when recall the dream i just had.
After that, my phone's ringing receiving a text message by Blake and he's asking me out for a dinner.