Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Character Bedroom
There was a table in the middle of the room with a lamp hanging. A bit untidy/mess with assasination plan and information of victim on the table and a sharp knives.
A big cupboard located at the right side of the room. It keeps a lot of guns, riffle and bomb. And there also has another cupboard which has all sorts of disguise costumes.
The actor that fit the bedroom character is Johnny Depp .
My Own Reality Tv Shows
About my lifestyle :-
Since I was a college students, my reality TV shows would probably show a lot of my student life at college,what I do in college,what I'm studying,facing problems with education and other issue that related to my college life.
About my family :-
My family are just an ordinary family came from ordinary background. But what special about my family is they love GOLF . I hate golf sports . It gets too bored for me . Can you imagine how i managed my life with my family who loves sports instead i don't ?
About my besties :-
I have a lot of besties. Not only in my college but everywhere. i also have loads of cyber mates. I love meeting peoples from myspace. I love hanging out with my friends.
Can You Live Without TV ?
Yes I can't live without TV . Everyone does . TV became one of the most effective and popular methods of selling products and of course MOVIES ! Since I love to watch movies and TV series , TV has become the most important things of my life . Not only shows movie and commercial but it also tells us world news as I've become lazy to read it on newspaper . Many peoples said TV are bad for children ot youngsters but I said NO . TV also shows a lot of education programme for kids .
Favorite Type of Film from Where and Why
Here a bit description about Thailand horror movies :-
Nonzee Nimitbuhr's Nang Nak in 1999 was a ghost story that had actually been depicted dozens of times throughout the history of Thai cinema and television. But it gave rise to a new crop of Thai horror and suspense films, including the Pang Brothers' The Eye, Nonzee's pan-Asian compilation Three, Bangkok Haunted, directed by Pisuth Praesaeng-Iam and Oxide Pang and the 2004 box-office smash Shutter by Banjong Pisonthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom.
Examples of slasher movies include Art of The Devil and a 2005 sequel (Long Khong), as well as Scared and Narok (Hell), also in 2005.
The horror genre also has spawned a number of genre-blending horror comedies, most notably the films of Yuthlert Sippapak, Buppah Rahtree (featured at the Toronto International Fil Festival) and a sequel, and Krasue Valentine. There has even been a zombie movie, 2004's SARS' WAR.
I choosed Thailand as for horror movie because horror movie are just entertaining. I watch horror movies more than any other type of movie. I actually feel stuff while watching them. i just don't sit in front of the tv and feel like a drone. I get anxious, I get scared, I get sad. I usually prefer horror. I typically get more of an emotional reaction out of them. But the most important things is I only watch horror movie only if it's good. I like Shutter and other Asian horror movies like the ring series. Sometimes, my eagerness to read the caption since I don't understand the language makes me more focus and it makes the movie creepier.
Favorite Director

1946:Born on 18 December in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
1968:At 21, signs to Universal on a seven year contract
1969:Directs segment of the episodic TV movie Night Gallery
1971:Directs Duel
1974:Directs first theatrical feature, The Sugarland Express
1975:Directs the brilliant Jaws
1977:First Oscar nomination for Close Encounters of the Third Kind
1981:Second Oscar nomination for Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982:Oscar nomination for ET The Extra : Terrestrial
1985:Marries actress, Amy Irving. Son, Max Spielberg born
1988:With actress girlfriend Kate Capshaw, adopts Theo Spielberg
1989:Divorces Irving
1990:Sasha Spielberg born
1991:Marries Capshaw
1992:Sawyer Spielberg born
1993:Directs the hitherto biggest moneymaking movie of all time, Jurassic Park. Academy Awards for both Best Director and Best Picture for Schindler's List
1995:Forms DreamWorks SKG, an instant multimedia empire
1996:Adopts Mikaela Spielberg. Destry Spielberg born
1998:Best Director Oscar for Saving Private Ryan
- Indiana Jones 4 (2006)
- Vengeance (2006)
- War of the Worlds (2005)
- Terminal, The (2004)
- Catch Me If You Can (2002)
- Minority Report (2002)
- Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
- Unfinished Journey, The (1999)
- Saving Private Ryan (1998)
- Amistad (1997)
- Lost World: Jurassic Park, The (1997) Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair (1996) (VG)
- Schindler's List (1993) Jurassic Park (1993)
- Amazing Stories: Book One (1992) (V) (segment "The Mission")
- Hook (1991)
- Visionary, The (1990) (V) (segment "Par for the Course")
- Always (1989)
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
- Empire of the Sun (1987)
- Color Purple, The (1985)
- "Amazing Stories" (1985) TV Series (episode "Ghost Train") (episode "The Mission")
- "Strokes of Genius" (1984) (mini) TV Series (introductory segments) (uncredited)
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
- Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) (segment 2)
- Poltergeist (1982) (uncredited)
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
- 1941 (1979)
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
- Jaws (1975)
- Sugarland Express, The (1974)
- Savage (1973/I) (TV)
- Something Evil (1972) (TV)
- Duel (1971/I) (TV)
- "Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law" (1971) TV Series (episode "Eulogy for a Wide Receiver")
- Columbo: Murder by the Book (1971) (TV)
- "Psychiatrist, The" (1971) TV Series (episode "Par for the Course") (episode "The Private World of Martin Dalton")
- "Night Gallery" (1970) TV Series (episode "Eyes") (episode "Make Me Laugh")
- Night Gallery (1969) (TV) (segment "Eyes")
- "Marcus Welby, M.D." (1969) TV Series (episode "The Daredevil Gesture")
- Amblin' (1968)
- "Name of the Game, The" (1968) TV Series (episode "L.A. 2017")
- Slipstream (1967) (unfinished)
- Firelight (1964)
- Battle Squad (1961)
- Escape to Nowhere (1961)
- Last Gun, The (1959)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What's your favorite war film? and who's the bad guy?

My favorite war film is Black Hawk Down, which is directed by Ridley Scott and based on book by Mark Bowden that tells us about the Battle of Mogadishu, a raid integral to the United States' effort to capture Somali warlord, Mohamed Farrah Aidid. The film won Academy Awards for best Film Editing and Soung in 2001.
The bad guy in this film is General Mohamed Farrah Aidid. He was the president of Somalia and a contorversial Somali military leader and often describes as a warlord. He was the chairman of United Somali Congress and later Somali National Alliance. Later he challenged the presence of United States troops in the country. General Aidid was one of the main targets of Operation Restore Hope, the United Nations and United States military operation that came to the country to provide humanitarian aid and to break the military siege.
If you can make a movie / video based on your MOST BIZARRE dream , what woulod it be ? Outline the story .
There was raining at the outside. I ran quickly to my house. Noticed there was nobody in my house except Lulu, my puppy.
I took a hot bath. And take a rest after that.
I sat on my dad's couch and grabbed my ipod. Listen to Evanescence's which is my favorite band.
Suddenly I fell asleep.
There was dark at the outside. Me and Blake walked to a hotel after having a great dinner. We reached there and walked inside. I can see through the hotel window which I'm waiting for my friend,Blake to get a room for us. Well its just for one night. The hotel seem so dark,creepy and old. Not many people were there except me,Blake and two other peoples at the front table. But that's okay because me and Blake just wanted a room for make out.
There's a girl passing in front of me. She's young. She gives me a weird look and I'm starting to thinking that does she know me because i don't.
But then i feel someone touching my hand softly and its Blake. He's holding my hand and we were walking to our room.
When we reached to our room, he unlocked the door.
So you know what we do in that room bla bla bla and i still remember that I'm wearing a black lingerie.
After we done, i wear my dress on and so does Blake.
I look at Blake which he's still putting his clothes on and i took out a knife off my handbag.
And i stabbed him at the back. And he's DEAD!
I feel safe now cos Blake is dead and my fiancee,Jake never gonna find out that I'm cheating on him with Blake.
A few minutes later i saw Jake was standing at the door. He looks terrified. Really terrified.
He look at me.
He tried to run.
But i got his arm.
I pulled him close to me and whisper "I didn't killed Blake.There was a ghost in this room.The evil one.The ghost had killed him.You should be careful.It might looking for you."
I try to convince him that it wasn't me who killed Blake but actually i was.
after hearing all the words by me, he trusted me.
We walked out the hotel.
I awake when i heard thunder and it still raining in the outside . I smile when recall the dream i just had.
After that, my phone's ringing receiving a text message by Blake and he's asking me out for a dinner.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My First Cinematic Experience

Star Wars Episode 1 : The phantom Menace was my first cinematic experience. It's a 1999 science fantasy film written n directed by George Lucas. It was the fourth film in the Star Wars saga.
The film begins as two Jedi, assigned as ambassadors to resolve a trade dispute, arrive in orbit of the threatened planet of Naboo. When it turns to violent, the Jedi along with the planet's queen, flee Naboo in an attempt to reach the capital world of the Republic, Coruscant.
Along the way, the ship must stop for repairs on the planet Tatooine, where the Jedi encounter Anakin Skywalker, a young slave boy who is unusually strong with the Force.
When the group returns to Naboo, they realize the situation is much worse than they had at first thought.
I have adored thid film, like many others, since I was young. Now, groen up, I see it as so much more. I use the word 'masterpiece' a lot and rarely do i mean it but Star Wars is a masterpiece.