Star Wars Episode 1 : The phantom Menace was my first cinematic experience. It's a 1999 science fantasy film written n directed by George Lucas. It was the fourth film in the Star Wars saga.
The film begins as two Jedi, assigned as ambassadors to resolve a trade dispute, arrive in orbit of the threatened planet of Naboo. When it turns to violent, the Jedi along with the planet's queen, flee Naboo in an attempt to reach the capital world of the Republic, Coruscant.
Along the way, the ship must stop for repairs on the planet Tatooine, where the Jedi encounter Anakin Skywalker, a young slave boy who is unusually strong with the Force.
When the group returns to Naboo, they realize the situation is much worse than they had at first thought.
I have adored thid film, like many others, since I was young. Now, groen up, I see it as so much more. I use the word 'masterpiece' a lot and rarely do i mean it but Star Wars is a masterpiece.
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